Edge Hub Trigger function not working in .net 6

Satyam Chauhan 487 Reputation points


I have 2 iot edge modules, First is a C# module, (By default the target framework was .net 6). Second module is a C# Function (By default the target framework was netstandard2.0), The second module is an edgeHub trigger that is being triggered when the first module sends any data to second module.

To make both the modules uniform, I made the target framework of second module to .net6, build and pushed the iot edge solution. Now the second module is not triggering.

Only able to see the below in Iot hub -> module -> troubleshoot logs

Hosting environment: Production Content root path: /azure-functions-host Now listening on: http://[::]:80 Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.

Please help how to make this edge hub trigger function work in .net 6

Azure IoT Edge
Azure IoT Edge
An Azure service that is used to deploy cloud workloads to run on internet of things (IoT) edge devices via standard containers.
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