Hi , i am trying to complete AI-102 certification guide provided Microsoft. on following each and every step correctly using python in my local machine and using VS code IDE . i am getting following error.
I have correctly cloned repository from git hub and progressively made all changes as per guide, but its keeps on failing with below error even at very first time of execution of script "python speaking-clock.py"
Please help i am new to azure.
repository has been cloned from:-
guide , I am following from to complete tutorial:-
I am logged in to azure services, and updated .env file with end point and key
Error i am getting
Exception with error code:
> pal_string_to_wstring
- pal_string_to_wstring
- speech_config_from_subscription_internal
- ffi_call_win64
- ffi_call_go
- ffi_call
- DllCanUnloadNow
- DllCanUnloadNow
- 00007FF9D3246938 (SymFromAddr() error: Attempt to access invalid address.)
- PyObject_Call
- PyEval_GetFuncDesc
- PyEval_EvalFrameDefault
- PyEval_EvalFrameDefault
- PyFunction_Vectorcall
- PyVectorcall_Call
- PyEval_GetFuncDesc
Exception with an error code: 0x5 (SPXERR_INVALID_ARG)