You can use the following cmdlets:
- Get-AzVMImagePublisher
- Get-AzVMImageOffer
- Get-AzVMImageSku
- Get-AzVMImage
Find and use Azure Marketplace VM images with Azure PowerShell
In terms of the pricing type, there are: Get-AzMarketplaceTerms
Some of the offer names might also include BYOL, which could be filtered., the trick would be some of the VMs will have applications, that may not be directly licensed with Azure support, I found this:
Reference: https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/issues/95134
The BYOL actually had 'Veeam' as the publisher, where the BYOL had canonical - it would be referenced, with the cmdlets listed above, to see if other images are similar.