MSAL Outlook Web Addin loginpopup
I am building an Outlook Web Addin in VS.
All the guides/articles that I have been following is generally saying that I need to create the msal PublicClientApplication, do the loginPopup and then get the token silently.
My problem is when i call the loginPopup, then a popup is showing but the login UI is not showing the login options (account, credentials) like many of the articles that i am following.
I have been watching this:
And reading this:
When i navigate to i am automatically signed in my windows work account. then i open the calendar and click new appointment. In the tab pane in the new appointment popup my addin button is showing. clicking this opens the addin to the right of the appointment popup. In this right pane the MessageRead.html is showing.
I have a button in MessageRead.html that starts all of the above. When i click it it starts the code snippets that i have attached this question.
in the loginpopup it shows:
HTTP Error 403.14 - Forbidden
The Web server is configured to not list the contents of this directory.
I tried changing the redirect uri to, but then it just shows my my mail.
And because the loginpopup is async then it never returns. so my code is stucked there.
And i have also added the redirect uris to the app registration in azure.
const msalConfig = {
auth: {
clientId: '