To resolve this issue, you can follow these steps:
Verify the user account: Double-check the user account you are using to access the application. Ensure that the account exists and is valid.
Add the user as an external user: If the user account is indeed external to the 'Microsoft Services' tenant, you will need to add it as an external user before granting access to the application. Here's how you can add an external user:
- Sign in to the Azure portal (portal.azure.com) using an account with administrative privileges in the 'Microsoft Services' tenant.
- Navigate to the Azure Active Directory (AAD) service.
- Go to the "Users" section and click on "New guest user" or "New guest users".
- Provide the necessary details, such as the email address of the external user, and follow the prompts to add them as a guest user in the tenant.
- Once the user has been added, they should be able to access the application using their external account.
- Ensure application access permissions: Additionally, ensure that the application with the ID 'd727e107-4154-4a10-b22f-a3364599c7a3' is correctly configured to allow access for external users. Check the application's settings and make sure it is configured to accept guest users or users from external tenants.
Add guest users to your directory
Grant access to an application for guest users
Kindly accept the answer if it helps.