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If you are having trouble passing arguments to an application and they are not working as expected, here are a few troubleshooting steps you can follow:
Check the correct syntax: Ensure that you are using the correct syntax for passing arguments to the application. The syntax can vary depending on the application and the operating system. Review the documentation or help files for the specific application to confirm the proper syntax for passing arguments.
Use quotation marks: If your argument contains spaces or special characters, enclose the argument in quotation marks. For example, if your argument is "C:\Program Files\MyApp\app.exe," enclose it in quotation marks like this: "C:\Program Files\MyApp\app.exe". This ensures that the argument is treated as a single entity.
Verify the argument order: Some applications have specific requirements for the order in which arguments should be passed. Make sure you are passing the arguments in the correct order according to the application's documentation.
Check for argument conflicts: Ensure that there are no conflicts or clashes between the arguments you are passing. Some applications may have reserved or predefined arguments that override the ones you are trying to pass. Review the documentation or help files to check if any conflicts exist.
Test with different arguments: Try passing different arguments to the application to see if any of them work. This can help determine if the issue is specific to certain arguments or if there is a more general problem with passing arguments
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