Change the Rerun behavior to Always rerun. on the TS BUT check in mind that all device will reun it again. OR might end up in a loop. As such you might want to create a new deployment and Rerun Behavior to on failure only.
Deployments are in Accepted state
Hello Team,
One of the task sequence deployment shows the below message in execmgr.log. But instead of this deployment to be in "Succeeded" state it is under "Accepted"
Creating mandatory request for advert CON2365D, program *, package CON02HH4
The program * will not run because it has been run before and it succeeded and policy indicates it should rerun only it it has previously failed.
CreateMandatoryRequestRecursively policy CON02HH4 * CON2365D no need to re-run
There are 5000 devices like this state.
Please let me know why the deployment status of the devices are not in Succeeded state and how to solve it.