@単ルイ(Shan Rui) Adding more information to the above response!
Correct, our publicly documented limit is 1000 per storage account. We are working on increasing more, It will available very soon, Presently I don't have any ETA for now.
- Can the generated SAS restrict access to only a specific container In the AzureStorageAccount?
Yes, the best option would using through Storage explorer tool generate the SAS to specific container.
- Create a stored access policy for a service SAS. Stored access policies give you the option to revoke permissions for a service SAS without having to regenerate the storage account keys. Set the expiration on these very far in the future (or infinite) and make sure it's regularly updated to move it farther into the future. There is a limit of five stored access policies per container.
- The SAS token is a string that you generate on the client side, for example by using one of the Azure Storage client libraries. The SAS token is not tracked by Azure Storage in any way. You can create an unlimited number of SAS tokens on the client side. After you create a SAS, you can distribute it to client applications that require access to resources in your storage account.
- Configure a SAS expiration policy for the storage account. Best practices recommend that you limit the interval for a SAS in case it is compromised. By setting a SAS expiration policy for your storage accounts, you can provide a recommended upper expiration limit when a user creates a service SAS or an account SAS. For more information, see Create an expiration policy for shared access signatures.
Please let us know if you have any further queries. I’m happy to assist you further.
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