Intel SGX EPID has prod URL and dev URL - Does that exist in MAA? Or all we need is a subscription and a endpoint?
I am moving away from Intel's own EPID service to DCAP.
In EPID, there are two modes, dev mode and production mode. Production mode requires enclave code to be signed by a registered whitelisted key from Intel. I understand that is no longer required in DCAP, as systems supporting FLC do not need the whitelisting process.
Yet, I sort of quickly was able to get it working by sending a request from a ACC VM machine that is not even apart of the resource group I created for the attestation endpoint. Basically my company has a few ACC VM machines, and I used my own personal account to try out MAA. I'd assume something to be needed to "validate" the machine or deployment in the MAA settings.. If not - this means I am ready to go and deploy this in production?
Any advice?