Using my MSDN Professional Account, I get a certain monthly credit on Azure. I am able to allocate normal VMs, but when I try to use spot discounts, I get the error below. I have tried different regions (US East, US West, etc.), different VM types (D4_v4, D4as_v5, etc.), and there doesn't seem to be any restrictions on my "usage and quotas" page. Does anyone have any suggestions? If I uncheck "spot discount", the VM validation passes.
The resource with id: '/subscriptions/xxx/resourceGroups/Azure_VMs/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/Win11-22H2' failed validation with message: 'The requested size for resource '/subscriptions/xxx/resourceGroups/Azure_VMs/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/Win11-22H2' is currently not available in location 'eastus' zones '' for subscription 'xxx'. Please try another size or deploy to a different location or zones. See for details.'. (Code: SkuNotAvailable)