@Billy Odera Microsoft Q&A platform doesn't support Azure DevOps questions at this time.
We have a dedicated forum for Azure DevOps questions, so to receive insights from the targetted audience, I would suggest you to just re-post the question here- https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/spaces/21/index.html , it would the better medium to get better help since the issue is related to Azure Devops
Additional information: The error message you encountered during your deployment indicates that the operation to update the Storage Account failed. The specific error message "BadRequest: Storage Account update is not supported yet" suggests that the action you are trying to perform is not allowed or supported for the particular Storage Account at this time.
To troubleshoot and resolve this issue, follow these steps:
- Verify Azure Storage Account Configuration: Ensure that you are attempting to perform a supported action on the Storage Account. Certain changes or updates to a Storage Account might not be allowed, depending on its configuration and existing resources. Refer to the Azure documentation for Storage Account features and limitations to understand what actions are permissible.
Review Deployment Template: Review the ARM (Azure Resource Manager) template that you are using for the deployment. Ensure that the template is valid, and it does not contain any syntax errors or conflicting operations.
Retry Deployment: Sometimes, deployment failures can be transient or caused by temporary issues. Retry the deployment after a short period and see if the issue persists.
- Check Azure DevOps Pipeline Configuration: If you are deploying through an Azure DevOps pipeline, verify that the pipeline configuration is correct and that it has the necessary permissions to perform the required actions on the Storage Account.
Please let us know if you have any further queries. I’m happy to assist you further.
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