Azure Forced tunnel over a s2s tunnel via VPN gateway is not working

Gregory Carleton 0 Reputation points

Tutorial – Create & manage a VPN gateway – Azure portal - Azure VPN Gateway | Microsoft Learn

How to implement the Azure Forced Tunneling via S2S VPN · Jorge Bernhardt

We have a s2s tunnel between our data center (PaloAlto FW) and a VPN gateway in Azure. We can reach everything fine between the sites. I created a forced tunnel per MS instructions so that all internet traffic for my crosses the Palo Alto FW. If I try to reach the internet from a VM in the tunneled VNet it fails to reach the PA firewall. all other s2s traffic works fine.

·        I created a UDR for and included the subnet in the VNet and pointed it to Virtual gateway (there is only one plus the Virtual gateway subnet).

·        There is no security group defined.

·        effective routes from the routing table

Effective routes

SourceStateAddress PrefixesNext Hop TypeNext Hop IP AddressUser Defined Route Name__Default____Active____10.x.x.x/16____Virtual network____--User____Active____0.0.0.0/0____Virtual network gateway-default____Default____Invalid____0.0.0.0/0____Internet--__·        I set my virtual network gateway default default site It appears to be correct below

ResourceGroupName: US-WEST-3-RG-Auth

PS C:\Users\xxx> Set-AzVirtualNetworkGatewayDefaultSite -GatewayDefaultSite $LocalGateway -VirtualNetworkGateway $VirtualGateway

PS C:\Users\xxx> $local = Get-AzLocalNetworkGateway -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName

PS C:\Users\xxx> $gateway = Get-AzVirtualNetworkGateway -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName

PS C:\Users\xxx> Set-AzVirtualNetworkGatewayDefaultSite `

-GatewayDefaultSite $local `

-VirtualNetworkGateway $gateway

Name : US-West-3-GW-NPS

ResourceGroupName : US-WEST-3-RG-Auth

Location : westus3

Id : /subscriptions/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/US-WEST-3-RG-Auth/


Etag : W/"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

ResourceGuid : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

ProvisioningState : Succeeded

Tags :

IpConfigurations : [


"PrivateIpAllocationMethod": "Dynamic",

"Subnet": {

"Id": "/subscriptions/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/US-WE




"PublicIpAddress": {

"Id": "/subscriptions/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/US-WE



"Name": "default",

"Etag": "W/"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"",

"Id": "/subscriptions/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/US-WEST





GatewayType : Vpn

VpnType : RouteBased

EnableBgp : False

ActiveActive : False

GatewayDefaultSite : {

"Id": "/subscriptions/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/resourceGroups/US-WEST-3



Sku : {

"Capacity": 2,

"Name": "VpnGw2AZ",

"Tier": "VpnGw2AZ"


VpnClientConfiguration : null

BgpSettings : {

"Asn": 65515,

"BgpPeeringAddress": "",

"PeerWeight": 0,

"BgpPeeringAddresses": [


"IpconfigurationId": "/subscriptions/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/resou



"DefaultBgpIpAddresses": [



"CustomBgpIpAddresses": [],

"TunnelIpAddresses": [






CustomRoutes : null

NatRules : []

ExtendedLocation : null

EnableBgpRouteTranslationForNat : False


Azure VPN Gateway
Azure VPN Gateway
An Azure service that enables the connection of on-premises networks to Azure through site-to-site virtual private networks.
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