64-bit applications are designed to take advantage of the capabilities of 64-bit processors and operating systems. They can typically run on any 64-bit version of Windows, from Windows 7 onwards. However, compatibility is not always guaranteed for every application on every version of Windows.
There are several reasons why a 64-bit application might not run correctly on a newer version of Windows:
API Changes: Over time, Microsoft may deprecate or change certain APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) that applications rely on. If an application uses an API that has been changed or removed in a newer version of Windows, it may not function correctly.
Driver Compatibility: Drivers are another potential source of compatibility issues. Like applications, drivers rely on APIs that can change over time. Additionally, drivers often need to be updated to take advantage of new features or security improvements in newer versions of Windows.
Security Improvements: Newer versions of Windows often include security improvements that can affect application compatibility. For example, an application that works on Windows 7 might not work on Windows 10 or 11 due to changes in User Account Control (UAC), or other security features.
To ensure compatibility, Microsoft provides tools like the Program Compatibility Troubleshooter that can automatically apply settings to help older applications run on newer versions of Windows. Developers can also use the Windows Driver Kit (WDK) and other tools to ensure their drivers are compatible with different versions of Windows.
As for why some installers specify compatible Windows versions, it’s often because the software has been tested and confirmed to work on those versions. Specifying the compatible versions helps set user expectations and reduces the likelihood of users encountering issues.
In summary, while many 64-bit applications and drivers will work across different 64-bit versions of Windows, there are various factors that can affect compatibility. It’s always a good idea for developers to test their software on all intended target platforms, and for users to keep their software up-to-date to ensure compatibility with their operating system.