Not able to use ML model to post and retrieve data
Rafay Hassan Niazi
Reputation points
I am using ml library model that results into below output on test page.
False Alarm Prediction using Two Class Decision Forest [Predictive Exp.]' test returned ["8/10/2023 6:15:00 AM","User C","Administrator","Element 1","Select","False","0"]
I am writing below SQL query in Azure Stream Analytics as
With mlm1 AS (SELECT Timestamp, Requestor, Role, [Component Accessed], [Request type], udf.mlm(Timestamp, Requestor, Role, [Component Accessed], [Request type]) as result
SELECT result
INTO mlop
FROM mlm1
but getting out put in csv file as below:
Could anyone pls help me write the correct query so that i get same output in csv as I am getting on ML studio Webservice test page...
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