Azure-Cognitive-Search-Azure-OpenAI-Accelerator botframework test error
I am testing my chatbot.
My code is based on above link.
I tested it by using Bot Framework Emulator and Post man
I turned on my local sever by using 'python' and http://localhost:3978 is turned on.
Then I opened Bot Framework Emulater and I clicked 'Open Bot'
Bot URL : http://localhost:3978/api/messages
Microsoft App ID : My APP ID
Microsoft App password : My App client_secret
And I connected it.
I got that error.
And plus, I wanna test it through post man
URL : http://localhost:3978/api/messages
Body : I followed bleow link and I wrote Body like Base URI example.
I wrote my bot 'Messaging endpoint' for 'serviceUrl' in Body
I think I wrote my body wrong. 'conversation', 'from' and something like that.
How can I fix it??? I wanna know some example for Body
Give me solution plz