Hi @Olha Tokarieva,
can you share the deployment YAML as well, and verify if your application is listening on port 80 as the service is using port 80, if your application is using different port then you need to use targetPort in your service YAML.
How to solve LB issue with error code " SubscriptionNotRegisteredForFeature" (SLBAllowAdminStateChangeForConnectionDraining)
Hello everyone!
I have provisioned an aks cluster using terraform. I did not specify any code for virtual network or subnets, so it was created automatically and the setting seem to be correct.
After cluster provisioning I created deployment and service resourced with kubectl apply -f. Service.yml file contains the following. The service is running and Eternal IP was assigned
nodejsdemo-app LoadBalancer 80:32525/TCP 19h
But I cannot reach it with this IP address.
Activity Log is showing the following:
- Error codeSubscriptionNotRegisteredForFeature
- MessageSubscription subscr ID is not registered for feature Microsoft.Network/SLBAllowAdminStateChangeForConnectionDraining required to carry out the requested operation.
Could you kindly advise on that? I am not able to find such a feature under Preview features within my Subscription neither can I google the feature by its name.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: nodejsdemo-app
type: LoadBalancer
- port: 80
app: nodejsdemo-app
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