Hello @Meri Svragulja - Welcome to Azure and MS Q&A!
Do you still have existing functions in the project folder? I just did a quick test in an attempt to reproduce, and the "Add binding" feature seems to populate the available binding list based on existing functions in the local file structure. For example, when I have only an HTTP-triggered function and navigate the Add binding, it only shows HTTP binding options. When I proceed to create an additional function, a Blob Triggered function, and navigate its "Add binding" again, it shows more options:
I'd definitely suggest continuing to poke around in VS Code and experimenting with other types of Functions and their bindings. Here's our official doc detailing steps for creating a new function in VS Code which should list the complete list of binding options. If you find that none of these help and you still keep hitting an empty list of binding options, I recommend opening a new issue directly with the owning team for the VS Code extension on the following Github repo: https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-azurefunctions/issues