@Abhishek Jain Thank you for the ask.
Initially, only the Azure Dev/Test offers and subscriptions that are designated for Dev/Test workloads are enabled for the November 2022 Feature Wave.
Supported offer types include:
- Enterprise Dev/Test (MS-AZR-0148P)
- Pay-As-You-Go Dev/Test (MS-AZR-0023P)
- Visual Studio Test Professional Credit (MS-AZR-0060P) (*)
- Other Offer IDs that are eligible for DevTest workload types
(*) Customers using MS-AZR-0060P may not have regional quota by default, if that's the case, customers should Request a quota increase
You can check the offer type for your subscription on Azure Portal on the subscription page.
The support for other types of subscriptions, including subscriptions designated for Production workloads, will become available over the course of the next several months. Unsupported subscription types cannot be enabled individually.
Read more here from our Product Group https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/azure-sql-blog/november-2022-feature-wave-for-azure-sql-managed-instance/ba-p/3677741
Hope that helps.