@Anandha Vellapandian Thanks for reaching out. Yes, it is possible to read a document from a collection using an input binding, add a subdocument to it, and then persist the updated document using an output binding. In output binding you can pass any object as per your need. In your case if you want to add a subdocument then you can modify it first and then send to the output binding.
How can I read the data that i just inserted using Azure Functions on CosmoDB ?
Anandha Vellapandian
Reputation points
In Azure Functions, i have setup a In Binding and Out binding. Both these point to 'same' Collection in Azure Cosmo DB.
The retrieval and insert work at the same time.
But I am planning to read the document in a collection (by id through in binding), add one subdocument to it, and persist (outbinding) and get the updated record through in binding. is it possible ? Or I am violating any of the principles of IN and Out binding.