Facing issue in establishing of call using Microsoft Graph API if user is using MS teams on a browser.
We have been using Microsoft Graph SDK to initiate a group call using service-hosted media where we supply the details of two users and a call is triggered from our application to both the users. If the user is logged in through the mobile teams app or desktop teams app they get a proper call until it is rejected or the receiving time is out. Upon receiving the call a three-party call is established with three members, our application bot, user 1, and user 2.
When a call is triggered from a bot or our app that is created in Azure and any of the users involved as the target are using Microsoft Teams via browser then instead of having a long-term card that allows the user to pick the call we are getting flash of a card which comes on the screen for half second or even less and before you can act on this it vanishes hence this calling module feature that we are trying to implement cannot be successfully done for users using Microsoft teams through the browser. We have tested this issue in the latest version of browsers like Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, or Brave.
We tried to get this issue result by raising queries on stack overflow and GitHub. But we got no replies on stack overflow and the issue was closed by the GitHub team without any appropriate solution. In case you want to refer to the code you can check at the given link. Stackoverflow GitHub
We have a few other issues with the calling module but call receiving not working on a browser is our priority concern.
You can reach out to me on StackOverflow in case any more info is needed.