Hi Gabriel Lazo,
Extremely sorry for the delay.
- In the tables found in the storage account log analytics, Can you see the logout of the users and in which table?
Ans: Unfortunately, we won’t display this information in storage account.
2. In the tables found in the storage account log analytics. I can see that in the azureactivity table in the ActivityStatusValue field I can see the value Failed. In what situations does it write as Failed?
Ans: Storage Analytics logs detailed information about successful and failed requests to a storage service. Below are values,
· Success: The request was successfully completed.
· Failed: The request failed due to an error on the server side, such as a network error, a timeout, or a throttling error.
· Not modified: The request was a GET request and the resource was not modified since the specified date or ETag.
· Partial content: The request was a GET request and the server returned only a part of the resource, as specified by the Range header.
Ref: Azure Storage Analytics logging | Microsoft Learn
- In the tables found in the storage account log analytics. Can I see the log of a user who is registered by ACLs in the storage account and in what table could you see that log?
Ans: Storage analytics logs can help you analyze who accessed the storage account and what operations they performed. If you are using OAuth mechanism for authentication and authorization, you can find the user object ID in the UserObjectId field of the log entry. The log entries are stored in a table named $logs in your storage account.