MS Planner Tasks delta API fails on pagination
We are building a product based on MS Planner and the Graph API behind it. It is a tool that allows to improve the experience with MS Planner in organizations. This is a multitenant application that is currently serving two tenants.
The one attached to its own home tenant and another tenant in a related organization. Currently there exists no webhook support for changes to MS Planner resources.
So in order to not incur too many requests all the time, we decided to use the MS Graph beta functionality of delta queries like so: planner/plans/{planId}/tasks/delta?$expand=details .
The problem however is that this query fails with an exception from MS Graph when using the first pagination link$skiptoken=...(already on the first page change) in the second tenant which has quite a lot more data in a plan so it actually requires proper pagination:
"error": {
"code": "",
"message": "cookie has wrong format; the segment entry ID is not a valid long",
"innerError": {
"date": "2023-09-27T11:40:12",
"request-id": "<snip>",
"client-request-id": "<snip>"
I have already created a ticket with support but was told that because this is a beta API, we can't get support this way, sadly.
Can you provide us with more information how to fix this issue or what workarounds are allowed in the meantime?
If you need it, I can also provide request-id/client-request-id of a sample request.