Hello @Himanshu Singh , Thanks for using Microsoft Q&A Platform.
Here are some possible workarounds we have:
- As we know, we can use the Copy Model API to copy custom model to a different region or a different subscription. This scenario is mostly recommended to copy model to another Document Intelligence account in another region. Additionally, here is the python SDK documentation please navigate to the
copy model
method for more information: https://azuresdkdocs.blob.core.windows.net/$web/python/azure-ai-formrecognizer/3.3.0/_modules/azure/ai/formrecognizer/_form_training_client.html - Also, we have project sharing feature on Studio but currently doesn't support cross-directory (tenant) sharing.
- As mentioned in this question, Document intelligence studio tool stores labels and document files in your blob storage account containers. So, you can directly create a new project under your resource/account by linking to the storage container that contains all your previous project training data including labels.file. Once new project is created you can see your training data in the current project.
These are the best possible ways you can try that fits your scenario.
I hope this helps.
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