Given the example, I create the example script below. I took the body as the original text. If you want the different values from the id field, you can use the split operator to create an array. Then, I made a column of the first value of the array.
print originaltext=dynamic({"timestamp":1696918303323,"values":[{"id":"Lower Layer Server.ABC-XYZ-Weld.ABC_XYZ_Weld.M26050.ServerInterfaces.Machines.M10230.Coil.Components.CoilThickness.AnalogSignal","v":0,"q":true,"t":1348936641086},{"id":"Lower Layer Server.ABC-XYZ-Weld.ABC_XYZ_Weld.M26050.ServerInterfaces.Machines.M10230.Coil.Identification.SerialNumber","v":"0","q":true,"t":1348936641090}]})
| mv-expand values = originaltext.values
| extend splitted_string = split(,'.')
| extend firstvalue = splitted_string[0]
Hope this will help.
Kind regards, Wilko
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