.255 is for broadcast so that isn't correct. That address belongs to zscaler, are you using their service? Whether or not your public IP address will remain the same depends on your IP configuration and Internet Service Provider.
For example, some people are connecting from their office PC, and their office has a static public IP address that is used for outgoing connections. In this example adding a rule works well because the public IP is always the same.
On the other hand, if you are connecting from your laptop and you do a lot of traveling, connecting from different hotels/airports/etc., then you will constantly need to update the rules. If using some sort of VPN, SDWAN, vWAN, etc., this affects things too.
Another example, people connect from home and their public IP address remains the same for perhaps weeks/months, then changes to a new address without notice. When these changes occur the rules would need to be updated.
As to whether or not api.ipify.org will always work for you going forward, again that depends on your specific local network configuration, physical location, and of course the service. whatismyip has worked for me most of the time when in USA, however, occasionally it doesn't so I try a different site.
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