Hi, I am using Windows 11, on a recent attempt to change my user name so that there are no whitespaces, and I have introduced unwanted user profiles which I am unable to remove.
I have tried:
- msconfig>boot>safety boot with minimal> reboot
On reboot settings>about>Advanced System Settings>User Profiles>Remove unwanted User
This removed the account but it is still listed as seen here.
- Settings>Other Users> Is empty but when I log in from the user that was created by mistake I do see the option to delete my main account there, even though both are local accounts, only one is linked to my email.
- Win+R>control userpasswords2> Here things are even more messed up:
With the instance of when I changed the username to 'Manu' here, along with the unwanted account 'Manu Dwivedi' here. Which introduces even more discrepancies in the username
- Tried adding a Temp Account to see if that will allow me to remove this unwanted account, and no, I can't I can remove my main account from this Temp Account, and I can also remove the Temp Account from my main account. The only account that I can't remove is the unwanted Account.

Any help in navigating is greatly appreciated!