Yes, there are tools that can help you identify what a particular key, such as the CAPS-lock key, is programmed to do. One such tool is the Visual Studio tool Spy++. Here’s how you can use it:
Run the tool (for example, it might be located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\Common7\Tools\spyxx_amd64.exe).
In the menu bar, select Spy -> Log messages... (or hit Ctrl + M).
Check All Windows in System in the Additional Windows frame.
Switch to the Messages tab.
Click the Clear All button.
Select WM_HOTKEY in the listbox, or check Keyboard in Message Groups.
Click the OK button.
Press the key in question (in this case, the CAPS-lock key).
Select the WM_HOTKEY line in the Messages (All Windows) window, right click, and select Properties... in the context menu.
In the Message Properties dialog, click the Window Handle link.
Click the Synchronize button on the Window Properties dialog. This will show the window in the main Spy++ window treeview.
On the Window Properties dialog, select the Process tab.
Click the Process ID link. This will show you the process.
Please note that these steps should be performed by an administrator and it’s always a good idea to backup your system before making any changes.