Why is deleting a Booking appointment not removing the event from staff member's personal calendar?
I am using an API integration to delete existing Booking appointments (which were originally created via the same integration). Using the noted delete operation, the appointment in booking is successfully removed from the booking calendar, however occasionally, the booking is not removed from the user calendars of the staff associated with the appointment.
Is there any obvious reason why this might be occurring?
Microsoft Graph
Ambili Edathodi 0 Reputation points • Microsoft Employee
2023-11-21T08:38:50+00:00 Is this still happening and for all appointments?
Michael Riegelhaupt 0 Reputation points
2023-11-21T12:42:14.69+00:00 Yes it is. While I have not definitively concluded this to be true, it appears to be happening on all appointments on specific (new) booking calendars, while other (previously existing) calendars are functioning properly.
Ambili Edathodi 0 Reputation points • Microsoft Employee
2023-11-21T13:10:28.8366667+00:00 Which API are you using to create calendars and appointments?
Michael Riegelhaupt 0 Reputation points
2023-11-21T13:14:59.0066667+00:00 My integration uses application permissions, and the body of the request looks roughly as follows:
{ startDateTime: { dateTime: 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss', timeZone: 'UTC' }, endDateTime: { dateTime: 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss', timeZone: 'UTC' }, serviceId: 'service-id', staffMemberIds: ['staff-id-1', 'staff-id-2', ...] }
Ambili Edathodi 0 Reputation points • Microsoft Employee
2023-11-27T09:53:58.09+00:00 Please share some request ids /screenshots if you are still able to repro this issue.
Michael Riegelhaupt 0 Reputation points
2023-11-27T13:22:06.5533333+00:00 Here is the ID from one of the previous such requests:
It was deleted via a delete request against the following URL:
This request was sent on 21/11/2023 at exactly 09:16:07.847 am (EST).
Ambili Edathodi 0 Reputation points • Microsoft Employee
2023-11-28T05:07:25.4733333+00:00 Will you be able to provide the request id you find in the response headers? And please do a fresh repro of this issue to see it this still does not work as expected. We are unable to repro this issue at our end.
Michael Riegelhaupt 0 Reputation points
2023-11-29T13:33:29.95+00:00 Hi Ambili,
Yes this is still an issue, and here is the work to prove it. I created an event within our system which generated a booking appointment. Attached is a pdf file with screenshots of all steps. FailedDelete.pdf
The create appointment API request was executed at roughty 8:08am EST this morning (November 29th). It responded with a successful response, creating an appointment with ID:
I received the following API response (body):
{\"@odata.context\":\"https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/$metadata#solutions/bookingBusinesses('LSO1839RetestSite%40DTPNewCo.onmicrosoft.com')/appointments/$entity\",\"id\":\"AAMkADI3ZGJhMDIwLWYyYTUtNGJkYy04OGYyLWNiNDIxMWFiZjJiMgBGAAAAAAALIBJueILeTagUtCHDi9dNBwC3YfYDfV-WS7BLVx8rT01PAAAAAAENAAC3YfYDfV-WS7BLVx8rT01PAAAG-9s9AAA=\",\"selfServiceAppointmentId\":\"fa785359-d0ca-4bfd-a6e6-83964f40a141\",\"additionalInformation\":\"\",\"isLocationOnline\":false,\"joinWebUrl\":\"\",\"customerTimeZone\":\"UTC\",\"serviceId\":\"4d046231-2132-4d8f-bc6d-ba76a6f13937\",\"serviceName\":\"1 Hour Regular Visit\",\"duration\":\"PT1H\",\"preBuffer\":\"PT0S\",\"postBuffer\":\"PT0S\",\"priceType\":\"undefined\",\"price\":0,\"serviceNotes\":\"\",\"optOutOfCustomerEmail\":false,\"staffMemberIds\":[\"2f956607-a6ed-4c32-8281-09574d07f16c\",\"20eee316-dc8d-46c6-94ce-c497d22dedd9\"],\"smsNotificationsEnabled\":false,\"anonymousJoinWebUrl\":\"\",\"maximumAttendeesCount\":1,\"filledAttendeesCount\":0,\"startDateTime\":{\"dateTime\":\"2023-12-05T18:30:00.0000000\",\"timeZone\":\"UTC\"},\"endDateTime\":{\"dateTime\":\"2023-12-05T19:30:00.0000000\",\"timeZone\":\"UTC\"},\"serviceLocation\":{\"displayName\":\"\",\"locationEmailAddress\":\"\",\"locationUri\":\"\",\"locationType\":\"default\",\"uniqueId\":null,\"uniqueIdType\":null,\"address\":{\"street\":\"\",\"city\":\"\",\"state\":\"\",\"countryOrRegion\":\"\",\"postalCode\":\"\"},\"coordinates\":{\"altitude\":0,\"latitude\":0,\"longitude\":0,\"accuracy\":0,\"altitudeAccuracy\":0}},\"reminders\":[],\"customers\":[{\"@odata.type\":\"#microsoft.graph.bookingCustomerInformation\",\"customerId\":\"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000\",\"name\":\"\",\"emailAddress\":\"\",\"phone\":\"\",\"timeZone\":\"UTC\",\"notes\":\"\",\"location\":{\"displayName\":\"\",\"locationEmailAddress\":\"\",\"locationUri\":\"\",\"locationType\":\"default\",\"uniqueId\":null,\"uniqueIdType\":null,\"address\":{\"street\":\"\",\"city\":\"\",\"state\":\"\",\"countryOrRegion\":\"\",\"postalCode\":\"\"},\"coordinates\":{\"altitude\":0,\"latitude\":0,\"longitude\":0,\"accuracy\":0,\"altitudeAccuracy\":0}},\"customQuestionAnswers\":[]}]}"}
Next I went and triggered the delete appointment workflow and it triggered a DELETE request to the api at
This returned with a status of 204.
The item was removed from my booking calendar. No item was removed from my personal calendar (as is visible in the two After-Delete screenshots).
Ambili Edathodi 0 Reputation points • Microsoft Employee
2023-12-04T09:47:23.1433333+00:00 The screenshot where it is being shown is your windows calendar. Can you please confirm if this is also seen in your outlook personal calendar?
Michael Riegelhaupt 0 Reputation points
2023-12-04T13:04:09.75+00:00 The screenshot I sent is from my Outlook application.
I'm not familiar with the difference between a Windows or Outlook calendar. Could you instruct me on how to differentiate?
Michael Riegelhaupt 0 Reputation points
2023-12-04T13:13:46.7666667+00:00 Regardless of the difference however, should the appointment not be removed from both locations?
Ambili Edathodi 0 Reputation points • Microsoft Employee
2023-12-05T04:27:04.9633333+00:00 To check outlook calendar, navigate to https://outlook.office.com/calendar/view/day and please see if it shows up in your calendar there.
It should have ideally removed from both places but it might be due to some sync issues related to windows and outlook calendar if it is just visible on the windows calendar. To narrow down this issue, we need to understand if it is also visible in outlook calendar.
Michael Riegelhaupt 0 Reputation points
2023-12-05T12:41:56.44+00:00 It appears to be present in both locations.
Michael Riegelhaupt 0 Reputation points
2023-12-08T12:46:07.2266667+00:00 Hi,
It's been a few days since I have heard back, I hope our investigation has not stalled.
Any update on the the investigation of this?
Michael Riegelhaupt 0 Reputation points
2023-12-13T12:46:32.7333333+00:00 Good Morning, it has now been a week with no response. Has this ticket been dropped, or is someone still investigating?
Ambili Edathodi 0 Reputation points • Microsoft Employee
2023-12-13T13:01:09.3066667+00:00 As we are unable to repro it on our side, we are facing some challenges but investigation is in progress for this issue.
Michael Riegelhaupt 0 Reputation points
2023-12-20T13:21:23.4133333+00:00 Hi Ambili,
It has now been another week since I have heard from you and your team. Has there been any progress on this issue?
Michael Riegelhaupt 0 Reputation points
2024-01-05T13:28:45.15+00:00 It has now been roughly a month and a half since this issue was brought to your teams attention. I am extremely dissapointed with the lack of support delivered by Microsoft for this issue.
Is there any resolution or answer that will come from my request?
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