Sync from on-premise is not supported for this tenant (event ID: 904) - Unable to configure Azure AD connect
Hello all,
I am trying to sync my AD with Azure AD via Azure AD connect but process if failing with error "Unable to retrieve Azure Active Directory configuration".
Event ID error: 904
ProvisioningWebServiceAdapter::ExecuteWithRetry: Action ProvisioningWebServiceAdapter::GetCompanyConfiguration, Exception: Microsoft.Online.Coexistence.ProvisionException: An error occurred. Error Code: 106. Error Description: Sync from on-premise is not supported for this tenant. Tracking ID: 14f19ff6-39c0-4aa8-a284-a1cee8081449 Server Name: . ---> System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[Microsoft.Online.Coexistence.Schema.AdminWebServiceFault]: Sync from on-premise is not supported for this tenant.