last week i have created simple Copy Activity data Pipeline to move data from On Premise SQL to Azure SQL. Everything worked fine and took between 10 and 20 seconds to execute. Unfortunately this week when i execute pipeline, status is shown as "In Progress". When i go inside, copy activity is stuck as "Queued". And it never gets executed (at least after 17 hours i canceled it xD). I have tried multiple times to execute it, but the same thing again. I also created one more pipeline with Copy Activity UI but the same result :/ I use SHIR for both source and destination linked services. Connection to both services is successful.
Location: westeurope. Pipeline activity run id: 75c15d8c-f252-4796-b354-8eea8598090b
What do you think could be a problem and how can i avoid it in the future? Tell me please if you need more information.
Thanks in advance!