Now that you have (or will have) a usable CSV file (
Import-Csv tt.csv |
Add-DistributionGroupMember -identity "DL Identity Goes Here" -member $_.Email
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I am looking for a power shell command to add bulk of users into DL (Exchange Online). I have a CSV file contain the users and email address.
I appreciate your kind help
Now that you have (or will have) a usable CSV file (
Import-Csv tt.csv |
Add-DistributionGroupMember -identity "DL Identity Goes Here" -member $_.Email
Hi Rich,
Due to some health issue i was not able to response earlier.
I put the desired DL in the provided PowerShell command but I am getting the same error messag.
Import-Csv tt.csv | ForEach-Object{ Add-DistributionGroupMember -identity "" -member $_.Email }
The error in all of what you posted is the same. The "announcement-year8@alkauthar,com" you've provided as the identity of the distribution group cannot be found in your Exchange Online. That's NOT the same problem you were encountering before and has nothing to do with your CSV!
As I understand that I need to replace this "DL Identity Goes Here" with the DL "announcement-year8@alkauthar,com" that I would like the members in the excel sheet to be added via the provided PowerShell command.
Kindly find the below screenshot from our Exchange Online
What is the result of running this?
Get-DistributionGroup -Identity ''
Hi @IT,
If the format of csv file is like:
You can run the following script to bulk add users:
(replace $member.Email with the corresponding column header in your csv file, for example if the header is "EmailAddress", you need to use $member.EmailAddress)
$members = import-csv users.csv
foreach($member in $members)
Add-DistributionGroupMember -identity "DL email address" -member $member.Email
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Thank you for your responding.
I used to run on column PowerShell command. How can I run this command. Shall I save it into a notepad then save into a specific extension?
You mentioned the header. Where shall I add the header please?
Thank you for your response.
I am familiar with running one line PowerShell command. Can you guide me on how to run the provided code please?
Also, I would like to ask you about the header. Kindly check my file and let me know where I have to add the header please.
You can copy the script and paste it into notepad, save it as a .ps1 file(make sure the file extension is .ps1 instead of .txt)
Then connect to Exchange Online Powershell and change the directory to where this .ps1 file locates.
For example you saved the .ps1 file under C:\temp, then run this cmdlet to change the directory to C:\temp:
cd C:\temp
Use the following syntax to run the script (you also need to put the csv file under the same directory):
Also, I would like to ask you about the header. Kindly check my file and let me know where I have to add the header please.
In this case you can directly use $member.Email, there is no need to modify the script.
I saved the powershell command into a file called total.ps1 and saved the excel file with this format (total.csv)
There are three different CSV in the drop down list. I test the first and the middle but I am getting the below error when I run the script. Which one of the drop down list should I choose please?
Comma delimited should work for you, just in case please try saving it in CSV UTF-8 (Comma delmited).
From the error it seems the value of $member.Email is empty.
Can you run this script first and post the result (Don't forget to hide your personal information):
$members = import-csv users.csv
Please also post the script file.
Thanks Kael for your response.
I saved those two lines in ps1 file and ran it successfully. I can see the list of the members in the powershell window.
The error is after the importing the name.
Please remove the "" in the csv file and retry adding the members.
For example, if currently the csv file looks like below in excel:
if you open it in notepad instead it may look like:
Please remove all the "" to make it like:
Then rerun the script to add members.
If it still doesn't work for you, please also post the complete script (which adds members).
Thanks for your swift response.
As requested, I removed the double quote, but the issue is not resolved.
$members = import-csv tt.csv
$members = import-csv tt.csv foreach($member in $members) { Add-DistributionGroupMember -identity "group name here" -member $member.Email }
This is quite strange.
Please modify the script to be in one row or just copy and run this row directly in EXO powershell to see if it works for you:
import-csv tt.csv | foreach{Add-DistributionGroupMember -identity "group name here" -member $_.Email}
I appreciate your help, but the same error is showing again.
Start with comething simple that will verify that the CSV holds what you think it does:
$x = Import-Csv tt.csv
$x[0]|gm -Type NoteProperty
What you should get looks like this:
Name MemberType Definition
---- ---------- ----------
Name NoteProperty string Name=user01
Email NoteProperty string
If you get anything different, the CSV isn't formatted the way you think it is.
I created another script file that consist only from two lines in your recent response.
The result is only showing the first row with and without double quote. I am wondering why it is importing the rest and if the outcome that you have in your result because it is more organized.
Did you notice that you don't have TWO properties? You have ONE property named "Name,Email".
Have a look at your Import-CSV and make sure it either does NOT have a "-Delimiter" parameter or, if it DOES have a "-Delimiter" parameter that the delimiter you've specified is a comma.
Also, take the FIRST line (i.e., the header) from your CSV and pipe it into the "Format-Hex" cmdlet. Then post the results. Perhaps the comma that you see in your CSV is actually encoded as some other character.
If you would, also post your script so we can all see what's actually in it.
Did you notice that you don't have TWO properties? You have ONE property named "Name,Email". Yes, i did the same as you mention in your previous response. You shared with me three screenshot for name and email under the same column.
Have a look at your Import-CSV and make sure it either does NOT have a "-Delimiter" parameter or, if it DOES have a "-Delimiter" parameter that the delimiter you've specified is a comma. As you can see from the below it is merely a comma
Also, take the FIRST line (i.e., the header) from your CSV and pipe it into the "Format-Hex" cmdlet. It is not clear for me. Please make it easier for me.
$x = Import-Csv tt.csv
$x[0]|gm -Type NoteProperty
$members = import-csv tt.csv foreach($member in $members) { Add-DistributionGroupMember -identity "" -member $member.Email }
Hi @IT,
If your current csv file is like below in Excel:
Please separate the headers and the values into two columns:
Then retry adding the members.
Or we can make it more simple: delete the Name column and just keep the Email column:
Then add the members.
The examine just the header of the CSV you can do this:
Get-Content tt.csv | Select-Object -First 1 | Format-Hex
I put the name in a column and the email in another.
I am wondering why the EMAIL is in the first row and the name in the second while in your result the name is in the first row and the email in the second.
I ran the last command and this is the result. What is the point of the below command please? sorry for asking i love to increase my knowledge
So long as you reference the properties by name the order doesn't matter. I just used a CSV file from some other question that was in a directory I use for keeping stuff I don't really want (and from which I periodically remove the contents).
The purpose of showing the contents of the header rows was to verify that there was really a comma separating the column names.
As i mentioned, the name and the email in two separate columns.
If the screenshot of your "csv", viewed in Excel, looks like below, then expand the width of column "A" and I think you'll see that all of your data are in only one column.
If you exported that to a CSV format you'd have a text file that looks like this:
If you were to import that using Import-CSV you'd get PSCustombjects with only one property: Name,Email
and, as a value for that property you'd see "ParentUK1",""
As a result, there's no "Email" property, nor a "Name" property.
If all of that is not what you're dealing with, then we need to see the contents of (say) the first three lines of the file "tt.csv". You can use Get-Contents tt.csv | select-object -first 3
to do that.
As per your request, I put the NAME in a column and the EMAIL in another.
I ran the recent command but the result is showing error message.
Oops! Sorry. The cmdlet name is Get-Content (without the trailing "s")
Here's your CSV file in CSV format and not a screenshot of an Excel table:
If you save that as tt.csv and import it, what do you get?
This is what I see:
Import-CSV tt.csv
Name Email
---- -----
I created a new CSV file and paste the provided name and emails
This is the result of the cmd
Get-Content ttt.csv | select-object -first 10
i appreciate your support and patience.
Please provide me with the full command to add the list of the users in the CSV into the DL in the online Exchange.
Your CSV is wrong, wrong, wrong. You have ONE column named "Name,Email".
Look at your screenshot of the spreadsheet -- everything is in column "A"!
"Name" belongs in column "A" and "Email" belongs in column "B".
"ParentUK1" belongs in column "A" and "" belongs in column "B", etc.
When you look at the contents of the CSV you'll see that every row begins with a double quote and ends with a double quote. That means there's only ONE name in the header and that's "Name,Email". Likewise, there's only one value in every row, not the two you're expecting.
I have two CSV files one has the email and name under the same column and they are separate on the other.
Is everything is OK now ? Can I run the command to add those users to the DL please?
The one with separate columns (in the Excel spreadsheet) is correct. The CSV file (tt.csv) is now correctly formatted as a CSV with separate columns named "Name" and "Email".
sounds amazing.
Which PowerShell command can I use to start adding those user to specific DL called (student year 7) please?
Hi @IT,
It has been a while.
Please let us know if you would like further assistance.
Kindly find the result
You may have to use the DLs UserPrincipalName in place of its PrimarySmtpAddress. But that's a guess on my part. I don't have an Exchange Online organization to verify that.
Brilliant, it is working now.
at the beginning i was worried if this command will delete the existing members into that groups.
Do you know why I have to use the name instead of the PrimarySmtpAddress please?
I suppose that it has to do with security. If an object (a user, for example) were to use its email address as its logon and the email address is disclosed (how else would it be possible to use) then you've publicly disclosed half (or one third if you use MFA) of your security scheme. Since the UPN doesn't have to be the same as the primary SMTP address (although it often is) there's no need to make it known outside your organization. But most organizations choose to keep the SMTP address, UPN, and SIP addresses the same to avoid confusion. The UPN is there if they decide to make use of it and the cmdlets have to take that possibility into account so they use the UPN for O365 AD objects.
The provided command is working fine, but it shows an error (can not convert value "") . There isn't double quote in the excel sheet. @Rich Matheisen
Import-Csv Year10.csv |
Add-DistributionGroupMember -identity "announcement-year10" -member $_.Email
Write-ErrorMessage : Cannot process argument transformation on parameter 'Member'. Cannot convert value "" to type "Mic
entIdParameter]". Error: "Parameter values of type Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.RecipientWithAdUserGroupIdPar
ameter`1[Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.RecipientIdParameter] can't be empty. Specify a value, and try again.
(Parameter 'identity')"
At C:\Users\superadmin\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpEXO_ibtrquyj.eud\tmpEXO_ibtrquyj.eud.psm1:1190 char:13
+ Write-ErrorMessage $ErrorObject
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Add-DistributionGroupMember], ParameterTransformationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : [Server=DB8PR09MB2908,RequestId=c70ae85e-5505-d025-a267-b34178fbfab7,TimeStamp=Sun, 17 D
ec 2023 21:46:59 GMT],Write-ErrorMessage
Do you have empty rows (or cells) in that spreadsheet?
You're not doing any error checking or data validation in the script so an empty cell would lead to that error.