When started downloading the files the first file progrssBar1 is getting to 100% when the file finish downloading and then it's animating the green bar inside the progressBar1 making it smooth moving from 100% to 0%, this is the logic I want to do.
the problem is when the progressBar start progress back from 100% to 0% the green color is blinking then when it's getting to 0% and the next file is start downloading the progressBar1 green color the progress itself start getting "crazy" and it's moving forward then backward forward all the time changing directions fast.
the logic is that each downloading file I want the progressBar1 to get from 0 to 100% showing the download progress then smooth changing in animation from 100% to 0 and then start downloading the next file.
I can't figure how why it's acting in that behavior? and how to fix it?
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace Downloads
public partial class Form1 : Form
private string destinationFolderPath;
// Event to signal when a download is completed
public event EventHandler<DownloadEventArgs> DownloadCompleted;
public Form1()
progressBar1.Minimum = 0;
progressBar1.Maximum = 100;
progressBar2.Minimum = 0;
progressBar2.Maximum = 100;
// Subscribe to the event
DownloadCompleted += OnDownloadCompleted;
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
private async void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
var downloadFileUrl = "https://onlinetestcase.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/25-MB.wmv";
destinationFolderPath = Path.GetFullPath(@"d:\");
int numberOfDownloads = 200;
for (int i = 1; i <= numberOfDownloads; i++)
string destinationFilePath = Path.Combine(destinationFolderPath, $"file_{i}.wmv");
using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient())
string url = downloadFileUrl;
// Move the declaration inside the loop
int downloadNumber = i;
var progress = new Progress<DownloadProgress>(dp => ReportProgress(dp.Percent, downloadNumber, dp.ExpectedSize));
// Offload the download operation to a separate thread
await Task.Run(() => DownloadFileAsync(client, url, destinationFilePath, progress, downloadNumber));
async Task DownloadFileAsync(HttpClient client, string url, string destination, IProgress<DownloadProgress> progress, int downloadNumber)
using (var response = await client.GetAsync(url, HttpCompletionOption.ResponseHeadersRead))
using (var stream = await response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync())
using (var fileStream = new FileStream(destination, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None, 8192, true))
var buffer = new byte[8192];
long totalRead = 0;
int bytesRead;
while ((bytesRead = await stream.ReadAsync(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0)
await fileStream.WriteAsync(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
totalRead += bytesRead;
// Report progress
var downloadProgress = new DownloadProgress
Percent = (int)((double)totalRead / response.Content.Headers.ContentLength.Value * 100),
DownloadNumber = downloadNumber,
ExpectedSize = response.Content.Headers.ContentLength.Value
// Raise the DownloadCompleted event when the download is successful
DownloadCompleted?.Invoke(this, new DownloadEventArgs(downloadNumber, destination));
void ReportProgress(int percent, int downloadNumber, long expectedSize)
// Update the progress bar for the specific download
progressBar1.Value = percent;
// Check if the download has completed
if (percent == 100)
string destinationFilePath = Path.Combine(destinationFolderPath, $"file_{downloadNumber}.wmv");
// Check if the file exists
if (File.Exists(destinationFilePath))
// Optionally, check the file size against the expected size
long actualSize = new FileInfo(destinationFilePath).Length;
if (actualSize == expectedSize)
string status = $"Download {downloadNumber}: Completed successfully";
// Update a label or print to console, etc.
label1.Text = status;
string status = $"Download {downloadNumber}: Completed with size mismatch";
// Handle size mismatch (optional)
label1.Text = status;
string status = $"Download {downloadNumber}: File does not exist";
// Handle file not found (optional)
label1.Text = status;
// Display the amount downloaded and download speed
double bytesDownloaded = progressBar1.Maximum * percent / 100.0;
double downloadSpeed = bytesDownloaded / progressBar1.Value * 1000; // Speed in bytes per second
string status = $"Download {downloadNumber}: {FormatBytes(bytesDownloaded)} - Speed: {FormatBytes(downloadSpeed)}/s";
// Update a label or print to console, etc.
label1.Text = status;
private void OnDownloadCompleted(object sender, DownloadEventArgs e)
// Set the progress bar to 100
// Simulate a delay or animate the progress bar reaching 100
Task.Run(async () =>
for (int i = 100; i >= 0; i--)
// Update the progress bar on the UI thread
await Task.Delay(20); // Adjust the delay time as needed
private void UpdateProgressBar(int value)
if (progressBar1.InvokeRequired)
// Use Invoke to marshal the call to the UI thread
Invoke(new Action<int>(UpdateProgressBar), value);
// Update the progress bar value
progressBar1.Value = value;
// Force the UI to update
progressBar1.Refresh(); // or progressBar1.Invalidate();
private string FormatBytes(double bytes)
string[] suffixes = { "B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB" };
int suffixIndex = 0;
while (bytes >= 1024 && suffixIndex < suffixes.Length - 1)
bytes /= 1024;
return $"{bytes:N2} {suffixes[suffixIndex]}";
private class DownloadProgress
public int Percent { get; set; }
public int DownloadNumber { get; set; }
public long ExpectedSize { get; set; }
// Custom event arguments for download completion
public class DownloadEventArgs : EventArgs
public int DownloadNumber { get; }
public string DestinationFilePath { get; }
public DownloadEventArgs(int downloadNumber, string destinationFilePath)
DownloadNumber = downloadNumber;
DestinationFilePath = destinationFilePath;