Lookup with multiple criteria between two sheets
I have two sheets
Sales <tblSales>
In sheet inventory
I have14 columns data. But I am interested in column Code. It is auto generated.
Like WT-B-1 for same product but if same new stock purchase WT-B-2. It is already working.
In sheet Sales
I have multiple columns.
I have to choose product then name <It is tabular data>
Sales B2 is, Product: Water Tank <WT>
Sale B3 is Name, Bash <B>
Sale C3 is my problem.
I want to auto pick Code assigned to that stock in Sheet Inventory.
Lets suppose,
If WT-B-1 purchased 100 Units.
Then Code WT-B-1 will auto extracted to Sale C3 until stock becomes 0 for WT-B-1.
Then for next Sale, Sale C3 will shift to WT-B-2 <It represents same product, new stock>.
Data validation, if old stock is only 1 unit but user enter 2 units, it will not be allowed. Instead it suggests that only 1 unit left. Split in 2 sales entry. Choose 1 for old stock and 2nd for new stock.
Hope you understand Sir/Madam.