Active directory has been installed on multiple devices without authorization. How do I get it removed and rescind the authorization?
My ex installed active directory to my pc three years ago. To date it has been installed onto two windows pc's, two mac computers, one which was tossed because i wasnt sure what was going on. 4 iphones, and 3 ipads. Unaware of it, i began to notice issues.. Fast forward to now.. I have replaced the hard drive 6 times. New drives fresh install of windows. The pc had been taken for service because it had been sending files to an unknown destination and then deleting my files.. Now it has finally achieved removing me as an administrator.. I am limited to a single user account.. How can i get this garbage stalker Ware off of my machine and my phones and ipads?? I have attempted to contact windows support only to be down 50+ hours, zero answers yet i still have active directory.. Can someone please tell me how to either find out what account has my machine registered or how to get this crap off of my phones, ipads and pcs.. Not a single device is a managed device.. I am surprised someone in a domestic violence shelter hasnt been stalked or worse using this method of hunting someone down like prey.. I know if has given me terrorizing dreams over the past 4 years that i have been attempting to deal with, but only enduring this mental and financial torture. Microsoft should do a better job of vetting their developers, because my ex isnt a developer, just a construction worker who happens to know about computers and stalking.