Hi @Anthony Denaud Greetings! Welcome to Microsoft Q&A forum. Thank you for posting the question here.
I'm glad that you were able to resolve your issue and thank you for posting your solution so that others looking into the same thing can easily reference this! I'll repost your solution in case you'd like to accept the answer.
Looking for a way to remove or change the outline of the polygons in a PolygonLayer, but it is currently not possible with the last SDK (3.0.3).
The "fill-outline-color" property of maplibre is not exposed in the PolygonLayerOptions.
To overcome this, edit the atlas dist files to expose it as follow:
In PolygonLayerOptions constructor:
_this.fillOutlineColor = undefined;
In PolygonLayer.prototype._buildLayers method:
// The property fill-pattern should only be set if there is a value for fillPattern.
// The property fill-color should only be set if fill-pattern isn't.
if (this.options.fillPattern) {
layer.paint["fill-pattern"] = this.options.fillPattern;
else {
layer.paint["fill-color"] = this.options.fillColor;
if(this.options.fillOutlineColor) {
layer.paint["fill-outline-color"] = this.options.fillOutlineColor;
In PolygonLayer.prototype.setOptions method:
this._updatePaintProperty("fill-outline-color", newOptions.fillOutlineColor, this.options.fillOutlineColor);
And finally the Typescript types:
fillOutlineColor?: string | DataDrivenPropertyValueSpecification<string>;
If I missed anything please let me know and I'd be happy to add it to my answer, or feel free to comment below with any additional information.
I will also run this by our product team and see if there is any alternate option to achieve this, or future plans to make the implementation simpler. Thank you for sharing this approach with the community.
I hope this helps!
If you have any other questions, please let me know. Thank you again for your time and patience throughout this issue.