Hi, @Rich Matheisen We are trying to run the 'Set-Place
' command to set attributes such as 'Building' and 'Floor' for the room. However, our 'Set-Place' command is giving an error, as mentioned at the beginning of the ticket. This is the pain point we are facing.
Results of Powershell commands
PS /Users/shraddha> Get-Place -Identity "Tower1Floor1Room1" | gm * -force
TypeName: Deserialized.Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Recipient.Places.PlacePresentationObject
Name MemberType Definition
---- ---------- ----------
pstypenames CodeProperty System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1[[System.String, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e]] pstypenames{get=PSTypeNames;}
psadapted MemberSet psadapted {Identity, DisplayName, Type, Street, City, State, PostalCode, CountryOrRegion, GeoCoordinates, IsManaged, BookingType, ResourceDelegates, Phone, Capacity, Building, ParentType, CampusId, Build…
psbase MemberSet psbase {}
psextended MemberSet psextended {ToString, GetType}
psobject MemberSet psobject {Members, Properties, Methods, ImmediateBaseObject, BaseObject, TypeNames, get_Members, get_Properties, get_Methods, get_ImmediateBaseObject, get_BaseObject, get_TypeNames, ToString, Copy, Compa…
GetType Method type GetType()
ToString Method string ToString(), string ToString(string format, System.IFormatProvider formatProvider), string IFormattable.ToString(string format, System.IFormatProvider formatProvider)
AudioDeviceName Property {get;set;}
BookingType Property {get;set;}
Building Property System.String {get;set;}
BuildingId Property {get;set;}
CampusId Property {get;set;}
Capacity Property System.Int32 {get;set;}
City Property System.String {get;set;}
CountryOrRegion Property System.String {get;set;}
CustomSpaceType Property {get;set;}
Desks Property {get;set;}
DisplayDeviceName Property {get;set;}
DisplayName Property System.String {get;set;}
Floor Property System.Int32 {get;set;}
FloorId Property {get;set;}
FloorLabel Property {get;set;}
GeoCoordinates Property {get;set;}
Identity Property System.String {get;set;}
IsManaged Property {get;set;}
IsValid Property System.Boolean {get;set;}
IsWheelChairAccessible Property System.Boolean {get;set;}
Label Property {get;set;}
Localities Property Deserialized.System.String[] {get;set;}
MTREnabled Property System.Boolean {get;set;}
ObjectState Property System.String {get;set;}
ParentType Property System.String {get;set;}
Phone Property System.String {get;set;}
PostalCode Property System.String {get;set;}
ResourceDelegates Property {get;set;}
SectionId Property {get;set;}
SpaceType Property {get;set;}
State Property System.String {get;set;}
Street Property System.String {get;set;}
Tags Property {get;set;}
Type Property System.String {get;set;}
VideoDeviceName Property {get;set;}
PS /Users/shraddha> Get-Place -Identity "Tower1Floor1Room1" | fl *
Identity : ******@mydomain.com
DisplayName : Tower1Floor1Room1
Type : Room
Street : Street No.8
City : Pune
State : Maharashtra
PostalCode : 422101
CountryOrRegion : India
GeoCoordinates :
IsManaged :
BookingType :
ResourceDelegates :
Phone :
Capacity : 10
Building : Tower1
ParentType : None
CampusId :
BuildingId :
FloorId :
SectionId :
Label :
MTREnabled : False
AudioDeviceName :
VideoDeviceName :
DisplayDeviceName :
IsWheelChairAccessible : False
Floor : 1
FloorLabel :
Tags :
Localities : {******@mydomain.com}
SpaceType :
CustomSpaceType :
Desks :
IsValid : True
ObjectState : Unchanged
Also, we tried below mentioned command and it's giving an internal server error
PS /Users/shraddha> Get-Place -Identity "Tower1Floor1Room1" | Select-Object @{n='Identity';e={$_.distinguishedName}} | Set-Place -Building "Tower1" -Floor "1"
Set-Place: |Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.TaskException|Encountered an internal server error.