@Steve J , Apologies for delay in getting back on this!
- The job details page (Microsoft_Azure_RecoveryServices > CMJobDrillDownBlade) uses the "Job Details –
Get" API to fetch data. The date you are seeing is the ANSI date start time and is likely a null date value being returned that way by the API because the "RestoreRecoveryPointTime" value is not applicable to a backup job. It will be populated with the RP timestamp for a restore. If this has affected you in anyways, we can get this investigated by the concerned team to see if they can avoid showing this confusing data. - Currently we do not offer this functionality to know total storage being used by backed up items within the vault. There is a feedback item created on this request. I recommend you up vote it and leave a comment describing the importance of this feature your business. However, you can leverage log analytics to find cloud storage consumed for each backup item. I have answered this query here.
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