What do you have for a query now? What is not working for you? All of the supported sql views are here. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/mem/configmgr/develop/core/understand/sqlviews/sql-server-views-configuration-manager
SQL Query for Host relationship and computer report
Bruce Meyer
Reputation points
Hey guys, I need an sql query that can pull below information Host Relationship (Servers)
- Host relationship (What vm's are connected to a host)
- Host Processor & CPU Core count
- VM Processor & CPU core count
- OS & version
- Assigned to
- Last scanned
- Power State
- Environment
Also need a query to only pull data for Desktops and laptops
- Asset Name
- Assigned to
- OS & Version
- Processor & CPU Core count
- Last scanned
- Power state
- Environment