Text to Speech failed to output some format with background audio
I'm using a Speech Service to do Text to Speech (called from a javascript azure function).
I use SSML with the mstts:backgroundaudio tag where the source (src) is an mp3 audio file.
When I output as mp3 (Audio16Khz32KBitRateMonoMp3) or Pcm wav (Riff16Khz16BitMonoPcm) using SpeechSynthesisOutputFormat no problem, it works as expected.
However when I choose a MULAW or ALAW output format (Raw8Khz8BitMonoALaw, Raw8Khz8BitMonoMULaw, Riff8Khz8BitMonoALaw, Riff8Khz8BitMonoMULaw) I get an internal server error on your side.
Works fine without the background audio tag.
Was able to work around by generating in PCM and converting to MULAW with an external library but that add an extra step that should not be necessary if it was working as expected on your side.
Not sure if there is another place for issue reporting ?