Hi @aluzi liu , Welcome to Microsoft Q&A,
In WebSocket communication, when WebSocket receives a close frame from the server, it should also respond to the close frame and close the connection. This behavior is specified by the WebSocket protocol. When you use ReceiveAsync in ClientWebSocket to read a message, it automatically handles the close frame and closes the connection if needed.
In the code, the ReceiveAsync method returns a result with WebSocketMessageType.Close when a close frame is detected. However, the WebSocket status may have changed to "Closed" before the code inside the else if(result.MessageType == WebSocketMessageType.Close) block is executed. That's why you can't see the code inside that block being run.
You can call the CloseAsync
method at the appropriate place in your WebSocket client code. Typically, you call this method on the sender of the close frame when your application decides to close the connection.
//Send a close frame and wait for the connection to close
await wsClient.CloseAsync(WebSocketCloseStatus.NormalClosure, "Closing", CancellationToken.None);
The complete sample code needs to be modified according to your own situation:
using System;
using System.Net.WebSockets;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
class Program
static async Task Main(string[] args)
Uri serverUri = new Uri("wss://example.com/socket"); // Replace with your WebSocket server address
using (ClientWebSocket wsClient = new ClientWebSocket())
await wsClient.ConnectAsync(serverUri, CancellationToken.None);
//Perform other operations after successful connection
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
while (wsClient.State == WebSocketState.Open || wsClient.State == WebSocketState.CloseReceived)
var result = await wsClient.ReceiveAsync(new ArraySegment<byte>(buffer), CancellationToken.None);
if (result.MessageType == WebSocketMessageType.Text)
string message = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer, 0, result.Count);
Console.WriteLine($"Received message: {message}");
else if (result.MessageType == WebSocketMessageType.Close)
//Display the details of the closed frame
WebSocketCloseStatus closeStatus = result.CloseStatus ?? WebSocketCloseStatus.Empty;
string closeDescription = result.CloseStatusDescription;
Console.WriteLine($"Received close frame. Status: {closeStatus}, Description: {closeDescription}");
// Close the connection under certain conditions (this is just an example)
await wsClient.CloseAsync(WebSocketCloseStatus.NormalClosure, "Closing", CancellationToken.None);
break; //Exit the loop
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine($"WebSocket error: {ex.Message}");
if (wsClient.State == WebSocketState.Open || wsClient.State == WebSocketState.CloseSent)
// If the connection is still open, close the connection on exit
await wsClient.CloseAsync(WebSocketCloseStatus.NormalClosure, "Closing", CancellationToken.None);
//Replace with actual conditions
static bool someCondition = false;
Best Regards,
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