Hi Matthew Robles,
Thanks for the post. Despite of the Microsoft Intune, you can also try to use Configuration Manager or Configuration Manager with tenant attach.
Method 1, protect Microsoft Defender Antivirus exclusions from tampering if you're using Intune only or Configuration Manager only. See Tamper protection for antivirus exclusions.
Method 2, turn tamper protection on (or off), tenant wide, or apply tamper protection to some users/devices. You can exclude certain devices from tamper protection. See Manage tamper protection for your organization using tenant attach with Configuration Manager, version 2006.
Here are all the available methods provided by Microsoft, just for your reference. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/prevent-changes-to-security-settings-with-tamper-protection?view=o365-worldwide#how-do-i-configure-or-manage-tamper-protection
Best Regards,
Ian Xue
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