Modified. Hello Jadan, Andres, Thank you for posting in Q&A forum. You can check these contents to ensure successful policy configuration and application: 1、Have you run "gpupdate/force" on the client computer to immediately apply policy changes after configuring Group Policy Objects (GPOs)?
For checking Computer Configuration within gpresult, we can follow steps below. Logon this machine using administrator account. Open CMD (run as Administrator). Type gpresult /h C:\gpo.html and click Enter. Open gpo.html and check gpo setting under "Computer Details". 2、Reconfirm if the security settings are configured with the correct values,Specify user accounts or groups that are allowed to make remote calls to SAM. 3、Ensure that the GPO is linked to the correct organizational unit (OU) in Active Directory, where the target workstation is located. This strategy applies to computers to ensure that the objects in OU are computers rather than users. 4、View the security logs in the event viewer and search for entries related to group policy application errors or conflicts. I hope the information above is helpful. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to let us know. Best Regards, Daisy Zhou
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