.NET 8 Android ToolbarItem disabled text colour does not greyed out
.NET8 on Android
According to MAUI document, I can see they want to use CanExecute in Commanding to enable/disable the toolbarItem.
I have followed it and it works as it expected (it greyed out when it's disabled) for iOS, however it does not grey out for Android. Functionally, it's disabled, the function of the toolbaritem disabled, but the text colour is still showing as white. i.e In Android only, CanExcute property
- initial setting the property as false(greyed out and function not available) - worked
- from false to true (changed the colour back to white and function available) - worked
- from true to false (text colour remained white and function not available) - not working for the Text colour
I've tried to use IsEnabled property binding way, the behaviour is the same. I think somewhere in MAUI, it dose not raise the property change for isEnabled or ChangeCanExecute when it set to false. This issue should be fixed.