Do you have owner or member rights to that group? Does it work with application perms for Group.Read.All
While successfully retrieving group information from a Public Group Mailbox using Microsoft Graph API, encountering a 403 error when attempting to retrieve conversations/threads within the group, seeking assistance to resolve the access issue.
Shankar Vijey Prabakar
Reputation points
Hi, I am working on a task to retrieve mail content from a Public Group Mail Box. I am able to get the group information but not the conversations/threads i.e. mails inside the group. I am getting 403 Error. The below permissions were delegated. Can anyone help me out to resolve this issue?
2 answers
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Andy David - MVP 152.3K Reputation points MVP
2024-01-17T18:23:52.1733333+00:00 Works here with Group.ReadWrite.All delegated GET<group ID>/threads