Hi @Gonzalo Yubero
Here is document and command to update the version using PowerShell or CLI
# Get current setting for Minimal TLS Version
az sql server show -n sql-server-name -g sql-server-group --query "minimalTlsVersion"
# Update setting for Minimal TLS Version
az sql server update -n sql-server-name -g sql-server-group --set minimalTlsVersion="1.2"
The following PowerShell script shows how to Get
and Set
the Minimal TLS Version property at the logical server level:
# Get the Minimal TLS Version property
(Get-AzSqlServer -ServerName sql-server-name -ResourceGroupName sql-server-group).MinimalTlsVersion
# Update Minimal TLS Version to 1.2
$SecureString = ConvertTo-SecureString "password" -AsPlainText -Force
Set-AzSqlServer -ServerName sql-server-name -ResourceGroupName sql-server-group -SqlAdministratorPassword $SecureString -MinimalTlsVersion "1.2"
Thank you!
How to change MinimalTlsVersion on Synapse managed Sql Server
Gonzalo Yubero
Reputation points
Hello, I currently have an Azure Synapse Analytics with a SQL Server that needs to have the Minimal TLS version set to 1.2 for compliance. The server is currently set to "None", and I am unable to change it from the portal. Is there a way for me to change it? Thank you.
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RahulRandive 10,221 Reputation points