yes, it can work. You need to ensure routing configurations are in place to ensure that traffic from the client is directed to the on-premises resources through the Azure Virtual Network when connected to the VPN Gateway Subnet.
If your site to site connection between Azure and On-prem uses BGP, then you can just manually add the routes for your on-prem network to the Windows P2S client and will be able to access the on-prem network from your point to site connection/client. For non-windows clients, you do not need to add the manual routes as BGP is enough for the routes to be propagated. Depending on your setup and how your Hybrid configuration is set up (Express Route or S2S VPN), there are considerations such as network latency and bandwidth that might affect the performance, especially for data-intensive applications.
Take a look at this link for more info - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/vpn-gateway/vpn-gateway-about-point-to-site-routing#vnetbranchbgp Hope this helps,
Michael Durkan
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