Hello! Sensitivity labeling in emails is typically a feature that allows you to classify and protect sensitive information. However, the direct integration of sensitivity labels with specific markings like "CUI" (Controlled Unclassified Information) might depend on the email platform or application you're using. For example, Microsoft 365 offers sensitivity labels that can be applied to emails, but they might not directly include "CUI" as a predefined label. In such cases, you may need to customize sensitivity labels to align with your organization's classification system, ensuring that the appropriate security measures are applied to emails containing Controlled Unclassified Information. It's recommended to check the specific capabilities of your email platform or application, and if needed, consult with your organization's IT support or compliance team to implement sensitivity labels that meet your requirements for handling sensitive information like CUI.
Can we send emails with CUI attachments?
Jordan Gonzalez
Reputation points
Hello, I was wondering if there was a way that when you send an email that the sensitivity labeling feature would mark it as CUI or not?