By default, Send Connectors are used by all the Exchange servers in the entire AD forest, and are used in routing decisions. Send connectors will be created to route email messages to external and these are at organization level. Source servers will be added to the Send connector. This means that only servers which are added as source server in the send connector can use that connector to send emails to internet. Lets say there are 2 exchange servers EXCH1 & EXCH2. EXCH1 is added as the source server to the Send connector. This means that all external emails will be sent by server EXCH1 and if any user sends email from EXCH2 that will be routed to EXCH1 and will be sent out. This is because the EXCH2 knows that the send connector is configured with EXCH1.
On the other hand, scoped send connector controls the visibility of the connector within the Exchange organization. Scoped Send connector is only usable by other transport servers in the same Active Directory site.
In Scenario A, since Send connectors are not scoped and with same address space, it will be visible to the entire AD forest and Exchange will use based on the connector selection methods if both servers are part of the same DAG.
In scenario B, if the send connectors are scoped, then it is visible only to that AD site and cannot have source server from a different site.
For your scenario, you can create 2 Scoped send connectors and add the respective source server. For China, one scoped send connector with china exchange server as source server and for similarly for US, scoped send connector with US Exchange server as source server.
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