From what I understand, I need to delete a tenant, but all information I can find about this requires Azure, which I do not have access to. A summary of my scenario:
- I have a personal Microsoft 365 Account
- I use my laptop when I work with other organisations on projects. They often give me access to their systems on my laptop. Mostly I can disconnect without a problem
- One organisation has remained as some kind of overpowering tenant since I disconnected.
- This only causes me problems when I attempt to use MS Teams. When I click on the meeting invite, it takes me to Firefox (my auto browser). I attempt to select Teams, but it says it can't access teams (it is there!) and would I like to use browser. I choose browser and then it attempts to log me into the organisation, which I can't do anymore. There is no way I can log in using my own account, as at this point it is referring to the organisation as the tenant.
- As a workaround I have been able to access teams meetings in Chrome (but not MS Edge) if I paste the MS Teams Meeting link into the browser.
- When I use Chrome, I cannot open video, even though my settings in Chrome indicate that video is enabled. I assume it is something to do with the level of access I can get into MS Teams.
- I know that one Government department I worked with a few years ago needed to delete me from their system to release my laptop, but the current organisation doesn't seem to have experienced this before.
- I have deleted the MS teams cache relevant to this organisation and the problem seems to be more at the Microsoft 365 level.
I can't access the locations (or azure) that any guides provide, so hoping someone out there can help as it is getting embarrassing.