I am not sure if it can be done in appshell.xaml, but I did find if I don't register the second page route there and instead register in the class, then it will work fine.
Maui shell navigation, trying to get back button on second page
Hi, I new to Maui, I was using Xamarain iOS and Android before but now that MS is dropping support for those I have to change over.
I am trying to figure out this shell navigation. I have a main page with a button that will open a second page.
I would like the second page to be able to go back to the first page (iOS usually has the back arrow at the top) but it is not working. I think it may be with how the pages are defined in appshell.xml
ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate local:MainPage}"
Route="MainPage" />
<ShellContent Route="secondTest" ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate local:SecondPage}" />
I open the second page like this:
await Shell.Current.GoToAsync("//secondTest");
When I try
await Shell.Current.GoToAsync("secondTest");
I get the error "Relative routing to shell elements is currently not supported." , but from what I can find , using // sets it as root so no back button? How can I get it to work? I am targeting .net7, do I need to use .net8? I don't want to use a tabbed page as the main page as I am using my own navigation bar for specific reasons, such as the page I go to will in turn have its own navigation bar.
2 answers
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Maarten Moonen 0 Reputation points
2024-03-23T10:27:44.27+00:00 Did you register your route in AppShell.xaml.cs?
public AppShell() { InitializeComponent(); Routing.RegisterRoute(nameof( }